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President & CEO

Kazuho Takahashi

The situation surrounding the automobile industry, which is our core business, is changing at an unprecedented rate. We believe that a new era is about to begin with the growing expectations for innovative and advanced technologies such as connectivity, autonomous driving, and electrification, as well as new services such as car sharing.
With a constant sense of urgency, I am thinking of what we need to do to beat the competition and become a company that continues to be chosen by society in this new era.

In 2021, we established the Sustainability Committee in order to achieve sustainable growth.
The Sustainability Committee drives sustainability (SDGs) initiatives as organizational activities at the Company and the Group and plays an active role in achieving a sustainable society in daily company activities as a public institution of society. In this regard, the entire Group works together to continue being a company with value for all of our stakeholders.

In regard to strengthening corporate governance, we have established the voluntary Nomination and Remuneration Committee in order to maintain and enhance a truly valuable, diverse, skilled, and stable Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board.
A female member of Board of Directors was added in June 2021, further bolstering efforts in diversity and gender equality in efforts to build a company that our stakeholders find highly reliable.

Going forward, we will contribute to solving climate change and energy challenges in the automobile sales-related and housing-related businesses as well as contribute to achieving carbon neutrality.
Because achieving these goals is impossible without the cooperation of all stakeholders, I would like to grow our business based on a strong relationship of trust by deepening mutual understanding through communication with them.

I believe this must be based on a foundation of protecting the rights, particularly the respect for human rights, of all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, employees, and business partners. Through human rights due diligence, we will work to identify any negative impact our business activities have on human rights, engage in efforts to stop or alleviate them, and improve the trust of society and our stakeholders.

With the aim of becoming a company that continues to be chosen by society, we will establish a robust management foundation for sustainable growth while cooperating on efforts to solve social issues and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society based on a strong relationship of trust with stakeholders.